Friday, 29 July 2016

Burton Swift Watch for 28th July 2016 week

Wednesday 3rd August 2016 - 2000hrs - Main Street, Burton In Kendal

I counted 24 Swifts high and screaming in the sky above the BMH to Kings areas

Monday 1st August 2016 2045hrs - Main Street, Burton In Kendal

I counted 36 Swifts high in the sky above the Kings area.

Sunday 31st July 2016 1000hrs  - Swift Reports

Yesterday (Saturday) David Craig reported seeing a good number of Swifts going along Main Street at 0900hrs.
Yesterday (Saturday) Bryan Yorke reports seeing one Swift entering the nest site on the Cottage on the Post Office Row.
Yesterday (Saturday) Anne Nicholls reports seeing 7 Swifts high above Tanpits Lane during the evening.

Friday 29th July 2016 - 1900hrs - Walk through Main St, Burton In Kendal and back.

Only saw two Swifts hawking the skies

Thursday 28th July 2016 - 2000hrs to approx 2100hrs

We are closing in on the time for our Swift departures which I would expect to be starting any day now.  Although yesterday evening we were treated to a fabulous spectacle of aerial performance by at least a minimum of 30 Swifts (probably could have been nearer 40!) in the air at times in congregation and at other times swirling around and chasing and screaming in smaller parties.  We really did see them at their best.  Impossible to tell if there were young among the numbers, although we thought so and that the screaming parties especially could well have been young birds.  It was wet and miserable weather during the watch but reports are coming through that in the next 24 hours the weather will change back to dry high pressure with the wind coming from the North West.  That will probably be music to the ears for the Swifts and give them that strong urge to start their journey all the way back to Africa.

We did manage to see birds see going into their nest sites both at the front and the rear of the Royal, so obviously there are still birds with young about.

Tonights observers included: Angela, Reg Hesketh, Hugh and Sue Miles and Bryan Yorke

Hope you manage to reap the pleasures of their last few days with us. PLEASE KEEP CHECKING OUT OUR BLOG....


Friday, 22 July 2016

Burton Swift Watch for 21st July 2016 week

Tonight was probably the busiest night so far, with Swifts hawking the skies throughout the areas above Main Street.  We did manage to count 27 although we were of the opinion there could well have been far more.  They seemed happy chappies! with small parties of anything up to eight birds chasing one another in formations whilst screaming at one another. 

For most of the time during our hours observations some of the birds were very high, whilst others were low and just skimming the rooftops.

We did notice birds going in and out of their nest sites at the following areas: Cocking Yard, The Royal both front and back, and also at two nest sites on The Manor. 

Tonights observers included: David Craig, Reg Hesketh, Hugh and Sue Miles, Bryan Yorke and it was very nice to welcome Angela to her first Burton Swift Watch and also nice to have a brief visit from Mr. and Mrs.Vickery. 


Friday, 15 July 2016

Burton Swift Watch 14th July 2016 week

We did a rough count of Swifts in the air whilst we all met up at the Burton Memorial Hall and we did manage to get to around the 30 mark which is quite a high count.  It was clear that the feeding over Burton was very popular.

We then proceeded to Clawthorpe Hall to try and ascertain just how many birds were nesting there.
In addition to the nest already recorded three weeks ago, we were fortunate to also record two additional sites, one on the old Clawthorpe Hall property (now residence) and also one on the side elevation to the Duckett's Building Services Offices.  We now think that we have at least three pairs nesting at Clawthorpe Hall, although without doubt there is plenty of potential for more sites should the birds require it.

Not only are the Swifts doing well there, but there is also two or more pairs of Swallows nesting under the canopies of the converted properties, could well be more.

Another interesting spectacle was to see large numbers of House Martins above the site.  Maybe up to around the thirty mark.  We never witnessed any of them coming down to the viewing side of the property, so we are not sure whether or not they are actually nesting there or that they are visiting on account of a good feeding area.

It was a pleasure for all of us to meet Mr. Ed Duckett the owner of the property who is very positive to encourage the Swifts and hirundines around his buildings and we are so thankful for his kind efforts.  He has been able to make provision for the nesting sites within the converted buildings which was great to see and thus provides a safe home for the birds when they return each year from Africa.

We also had the privilege to meet Alice one of the nearby residents who told us how much pleasure she gets from seeing the Swifts, Swallows and Martins and also remarked "Where have all my Goldfinches gone"

Tonights observers were: Reg Hesketh, Hugh and Sue Miles and Bryan Yorke

(Photos to follow soon)


Friday, 8 July 2016

Burton Swift Watch for 7th July 2016 week

Thursday 7th July 2016  - Burton In Kendal - Swift Watch 2030hrs to 2130hrs

Tonight stayed dry and we managed to observe a approximate 20 Swifts in the air with almost 15 over the areas of the Memorial Hall to the Royal and another 5 or so over the Coaching House/Manor areas.  At times the Swifts would form small parties of six which would follow one another tight whilst screeching.

I have this morning been reading articles that state these are more than likely young birds taking on these actions.

Tonights observers were Reg, David and myself.  We have arranged to meet next Thursday on the Memorial Hall at the earlier time of 2000hrs and then we intend to go up to Ducketts and observe the Swifts on Clawthorpe Hall offices.


Friday, 1 July 2016

Burton Swift Watch for 30th June 2016 week

Thursday 30th June 2016 - Swift Watch - Burton In Kendal 2030hrs

It was dreadful weather with heavy rain and only Reg and myself turned up to meet at the Memorial Hall.  We stood talking for perhaps ten minutes and only saw one actual Swift in the air over Main Street.  We decided to call the watch off until next Thursday. 


Friday, 24 June 2016

Burton Swift Watch for Thursday 23rd June and week

Thursday 23rd June 2016 2030hrs to 2115hrs  Swift Watch on Main Street, Burton In Kendal

We counted in total around 13 birds hawking the skies at points along Main Street.  We did record Swifts entering two nest sites on the rear of the Royal Hotel Cottage.  Also we confirmed a bird entering the North Gable on the Coaching House, near to the corner drainpipe.

We thought perhaps there may have been fewer birds showing tonight and now wondering if some of the immature birds will have already set off back to Africa.

Tonights Observers were: David Craig, Branwen Kilburn and Bryan Yorke

Why not check out this Polish "Swift" webcam by clicking here


Friday, 17 June 2016

Burton Swift Watch - Thursday 16th June and week

Please check out this Polish "Swift" webcam by clicking here

Report from Thursday 16th June 2016  - Swift nest sites - Burton In Kendal (2030hrs to 2145hrs)

To be honest at 2010hrs you would have thought it would have been a no goer! with heavy rain showers, but by 2015hrs it cleared up and we managed to have some great Swift Watching.

It started whilst observing the Cottage on the Post Office row, and we witnessed a bird enter the eaves at a totally different point to the first site, so it does look very much like we do have another nest site bringing it to two sites here, which is the norm on this building.

Moving on to the rear of the Royal Cottage annexe and we finally observed the larger hole at the top being used this year, although it was our first sighting, Hugh had actually seen birds entering this site earlier in the week.  Also tonight we saw birds entering all the other holes on this area as well as the site on the return wall.

Total birds seen at once in the sky totalled 18 birds with lots of small screeching parties.

It was getting darker quickly and so me moved on to the Coaching House and Manor House.  We got some good results here with two more sites added on the North facing gable wall. We confirmed the old site to the corner where the drainpipe is was being used, also a new site about 8ft along the gutter eaves from the far corner (this is a new site in total), also the site above and to the left of the small porthole window was seen to be used.  We are still hoping that the front elevation site between the two windows on the left maybe being used but so far not accounted.

A new site was witnessed on the North facing gable at the Manor House with the birds using a small triangular hole just below the well established site which is close to the third purlin up the rake of the roofline.

Our party were suddenly alarmed to take a look to the skies were a very large party of mixed Swifts and House Martins were present and all screeching and clicking with alarm, we noticed a large bird of prey emerging out of the cloud of birds having just seized either a Swift or Martin (not sure which) and which it held firm within its talons and then made off to the South West following the line of Main Street. The large bird was not immediately identified and some were left wondering was it a Peregrine or was it a large female Sparrowhawk. The bird by far too large for a Hobby.  On exit the bird was seen to triple wing flap glide and triple wing flap again before the glide. Although at first it seemed appropriate for the Falcon, I did notice it seemed more rounded to the outer edge of the wing which made me then give thought to the female Sparrowhawk. I guess we will never know for sure.

So tonight having recorded five new for the year sites, this brings our total to 22 nest sites so far. This is the highest number of nest sites we have ever recorded in any previous years.

Observers tonight were:  Reg Hesketh, Branwen Kilburn, Hugh and Sue Miles and Bryan Yorke.

Cottage on Post Office Row (Click over to enlarge)
The red marker on the left above the door is the new site recorded this year, although the site does have history with it being used also in 2014.

Royal Cottage rear annexe  (Click over to enlarge)
The larger hole site to the top left was confirmed being used last night - plus the other three here were also witnessed being used as well.

The Coaching House - North facing gable elevation (Click over to enlarge)
Activity last night was confirmed from the old 2015 nest site near the drain pipe and also a new site (never before recorded) was midway along the eaves from the drainpipe to the small round window

Manor House - North facing gable elevation (Click over to enlarge)
Last night we recorded another new site being used (shown above with red arrow and marked 2016), a very tiny triangular slot and just below the already established nest which is located above it and next to the timber purlin close to the verge. Also birds were seen to use other sites on the Manor House. 

NEXT SWIFT MEETING: THURSDAY 23rd JUNE 2016 - 2030hrs (Please note new starting time!!) BURTON MEMORIAL HALL - EVERYBODY WELCOME

Friday, 10 June 2016

Burton Swift Watch - Thursday 9th June 2016 and Week

Summary of our Swift sightings last night 9th June 2016 (Click over to enlarge)

Saturday 11th June 2016 - Informed of Swift Poster at Burton In Kendal Motorway Services

Our group would like to thank the students of Burton Morewood C of E School for creating this beautiful poster which adorns the walls to the entrance of Burton In Kendal Motorway Services. Well done for such a brilliant poster and also for getting it shown in a place where thousands will see it.

Swift Poster at Burton Motorway Services (Click over to enlarge)

During 2015 one of our group Danny went along to the school and gave a talk to the students on our local Swift populations and maybe this poster in part results from inspiration gained from that talk.


Thursday 9th June 2016 - Swift Observations - Main St, Burton In Kendal

Tonight was without doubt one of the busy nights we have ever witnessed with Swifts everywhere you looked.  We did manage to actually count at least 22 birds in the sky but I am sure this is on the low side there could well have been over 30. We do think a lot of these birds tonight would have probably been non breeders (eg first year birds doing their Reccy)  The largest screaming group had 8 birds and was seen over near Coaching House.

We checked out all the sites starting with the Post Office Block, then Cocking Yard, rear and front and SW wall of the Royal, also the rear of Neddy Hill Cottage (a new site), also from the back of the Kings we watched the large Old Mill for a while and then moved on to finish checking out The Coaching House and The Manor House.

In regards to nesting we were fortunate to see birds entering nest sites on the rear of the Royal, lots on the front of the Royal Cottage, and also birds entering nest sites at the Manor House.

A new nesting site was shown to us by David Craig, who had witnessed a bird going into the nest area on the rear eaves of the Neddy Hill Cottage within David's yard.  Of special interest is that we did map a bird prospecting this particular site last year.  With this new site it brings this years tally up to a minimum of 17 sites.

During the past week also observations have been carried out on the Office Block at Clawthorpe Hall and a further two nest sites have been confirmed on the rear annexe of the Royal Hotel.   To try and give a clearer picture to the ongoing progress I have included below photos of the current status for this year at all occupied sites.

Observers tonight were: David Craig, Reg Hesketh, Hugh and Sue Miles and Bryan Yorke.

The Cottage on the Post Office Block  (Click over to enlarge)

To our knowledge this site has been used in both 2015 and 2016 and also of note is that last year this was the last site occupied within the village, with occupation up until the 16th August 2015

Hangings Farm, Cocking Yard  (Click over to enlarge)

This site is one of a possible two for this property. The site to our knowledge has been used in all years since 2013.  This year at first, we were worried about this site because of the new owners and the pointing renovations which have taken place.  We need not have worried because thanks to Jane and the brilliant co-operation of the new owners, who happened to be totally Swift friendly, they left holes at the eaves so as to allow the birds access to their original nest sites which we now know they have taken up at least one of the known sites.. 

Rear annexe for the  Royal Hotel Cottage Cottage  (Click over to enlarge)

Always been a very productive site for such a small area.  The sites already confirmed are marked in red.  We are still waiting for a confirmation either way on the large hole which you can see towards the top of the building to the left and above the two sites already confirmed.  We did witness birds banging at this entrance tonight so perhaps some activity me be taking place, time will tell.  Also the next photo is a close up of the site on the return wall.

A  close up of the nest site on the return wall of the Rear Royal Hotel Cottage Annexe  (Click over to enlarge)

The Royal Hotel Cottage (Click over to enlarge)
Another of the Swift stronghold sites with six nest within the front of this building, plus we are regularly seeing more "banging" going on at other sections of the eaves, but so far only the areas marked in red are the only definites.

Neddy Hill Cottage - Rear Elevation  (Click over to enlarge)
This is a new site for us tonight.  David Craig has seen a bird entering at the point marked with red.  Also of particular note is that we did record a bird last year actually "banging" and what we took to be prosecting the site.  Its now clear the bird did decide to take up this new residence.

The Coaching House  (Click over to enlarge)

So far we have been able to established a definite breeding site on the side North Elevation marked with a red arrow just to the left hand side of the small round window.  The Coaching House was only established as a breeding site last year in 2015 although we had seen birds prospecting back in 2014.  Last year we did have birds also nesting again on the gable end side elevation to the far left hand corner close to the drainpipe.  Also we did have a bird nesting to the front elevation between the two upper windows.
The Manor House (Click over to enlarge)
The Manor House is yet another of our stronghold sites with at least four sites occupied this year.  It is also suspected that there maybe more nest.

We are ever so grateful to Mrs. Ellis and her family who are very interested in their Swifts and their progress.

The Offices of Ducketts Building Services at Clawthorpe Hall  (Click over to enlarge)
It was a great pleasure to visit this site, because we had suspected birds coming from around the back of Clawthorpe Hall in previous years.  I was able to confirm at least one pair nesting which shows with the red arrow.  Also at the same time there were six birds in the sky directly above the property which makes me think there will be even more nest which hopefully we will be able to ascertain when we do a group visit.

It was nice to meet up with Edward Duckett (MD of Ducketts Building Services) who so kindly pointed out the areas of where the swifts are nesting.  He also loves to have the birds on his property and has purposely left the top guttering/eaves level open of pointing so that Swifts are able to return on a regular yearly basis.

NEXT SWIFT MEETING: THURSDAY 16th JUNE 2016 - 2030hrs (Please note new starting time!!) BURTON MEMORIAL HALL - EVERYBODY WELCOME

Friday, 3 June 2016

Burton Swift Watch - Thursday 2nd June 2016 and Week

Swift Notes for Thursday 2nd June 2016 (Click over sketch to enlarge)

Wednesday 8th June 2016 - A quick visit to Clawthorpe Hall and to the Royal Hotel.

Just on the spare of the moment, with time on my hands I decided to go on behalf of the group and make myself known to the owners of Clawthorpe Hall, it was well overdue we have been talking about the site for such a long time but had no definite records until now.  I was fortunate to meet Mr. Edward Duckett the MD of Duckett Building Services who own the buildings and explained to him about our group and showed him photographs etc.  He was very interested and actually showed me the area where the Swifts nested.

He also showed me a staircase at the end of the building which every now and again he does have to rescue Swifts which have somehow managed to find there way from their nest site and somehow go through and into the building, in which case he catches them and releases them back outside.

Whilst there I actually saw six individual birds hawking the skies directly over the Offices and also I was extremely lucky to see a single bird go into the building which after ten minutes came out again, I have marked the nest site with a red arrow.

The Offices at Clawthorpe Hall where the Swifts are nesting  (Click over to enlarge)
Note inset with a more close up view of nest site
On leaving Clawthorpe Hall, I then went over to the Royal Hotel on Main Street, here I did spend some time because it was superb with birds coming from all directions and low down chasing and screeching, absolutely enjoying themselves.  I was fortunate to be able to record two more nest sites for this year now being used.  Both sites are well known to us and have history.  I have now marked off this years breeding sites with red arrows.  This now brings the total tally of this years sites to 17

Todays nestsites included (8th June 2016) at the Rear of the Royal Cottage Annexe (Click over to enlarge)


Sunday 5th June 2016  "Photo showing Kestrel carrying Swift"

Photo: John Brierley and posted on the Swillington Ings Group website Sunday 5th June 2016

Nothing whatsoever to do with our Burton Swifts, but still very interesting and it occurred somewhere in the North of England in the last few days, when it was witnessed that a Kestrel actually took a Swift in flight. I could have believed it if it had been a Hobby but would never think of it with a Kestrel!  I am told by a friend that the photo is of a first year male Kestrel (immature from last years chicks).

Friday 3rd June 2016 "Cocking Yard"

Some great news as just arrived from Jane Phillips, which is confirmation that a pair are definitely nesting on Hangings Farm in Cocking Yard, this taking our total nest sites tally up to 14.  Worries are now set aside because the property has recently had pointing renovations to the front elevation.  We were so pleased to learn that the more recent occupiers of the property are Swift friendly people who were so pleased to instruct the builders to leave some holes to their previous nesting sites while this work was being carried out, which it is great to see they have now returned and are using at least one of their original sites.

Cocking Yard - Burton In Kendal (Click over to enlarge)

The site on Hangings Farm - The centre dark hole just under the slates
(photo: J. Phillips)

Swift Watch - Thursday June 2nd 2016 - Sites off Main Street, Burton In Kendal - 2000hrs to 2190hrs.

Last night we had more great Swift observations, and managed to add a further three nest sites to our records for this year bringing the total so far to 13 confirmed nest sites.

We confirmed a new site for this year on the small cottage on the Post Office Row.  The site was also used last year (2015). Also this was to be the last site vacated with the final birds leaving Burton on 16th August 2015 (exceptionally late).

Moving on whilst briefly checking Cocking Yard and the rear of the Royal, we did eventually record more action on the front elevation of the Royal Cottage Annexe with a site to the right hand corner being used (already established last week).  Also several birds were seen "banging" at various points along the guttering, so we could not make our minds up whether these birds were full mature adults or immatures of the first year.  We also made particular note to one bird which did seem to enter a completely new nest site but only for a second before it flew off again.  Because of this short encounter we decided to record it as a possible, but not to make any record at this stage.

Moving on past the Royal with nothing showing on the West side elevation, we moved further down Main Street to do our observations across from the Coaching House and the Manor House. Reg saw a Swift using a site on the Coaching House North side elevation quite close to the small circular window, a site which was suspect from 2015 when Tanya Hoare thought it was being used. Also the Manor House showed further activity with birds seen using both of our 2016 already recorded sites on the front elevation.  But we were in for a extra treat with a further bird witnessed using the long established nest site which is near the base of the rake on the North elevation gable end, this was a new record for 2016.

Tonight's observers were: Mary Bullimore, David Craig, Derek from Kendal, Reg Hesketh, Hugh and Sue Miles, Bryan Yorke.  We went on a little tonight from 2000hrs to 2130hrs and we all agreed to try and meet up again next Thursday at 2000hrs at the Burton Memorial Hall when all would be welcomed.

Here are up to date photos showing the nest sites activity tonight (the history of the nest site eg: previously used is also given)

Cottages adjoining the Post Office on Main Street (Click over to enlarge)

The Coaching House (Click over to enlarge)

Manor House, Main Street, (Click over to enlarge)


Thursday, 26 May 2016

Burton Swift Watch - Thursday 26th May 2016 Week

This is a diary sketch relating to our Swift Watch on Thursday May 26th 2016 (Please click over to enlarge)

"POOR SWIFT UPDATE" Friday 27th May 2016 - 1000hrs - Care of Kendal College Wildlife Dept

I have just received word from David Craig who has just been in touch with the Kendal College and we are informed that the "poor swift" died during last night.

The above photos represent the status of all the ten nest sites we have so far recorded being used during most recent observations (Other year dates represent the nest histories) - Click over photo to enlarge.

Thursday 26th May 2016 - Burton Swift Bird Study Group - Checking out Swift nesting sites along Main Street, Burton In Kendal  2000hrs to 2100hrs

From the word go, there were very few birds about and at first we could only log about 5 in the sky at any one time, however on our way back Reg and I did eventually manage to tally 7 which were over the Neddy Hill area. We think it was down to purely a lack of insects on the night, although obviously a few birds were still local.

Our first Swift experience of the evening was noted from the Royal Hotel Cottage front elevation where Reg noted 3 more sites which are all long established but new for this years records.  This now brings the number of sites so far recorded on this particular building to five nesting areas.

Our next positive came whilst observing the Manor House when we were fortunate to see birds entering two more sites, one on the gable end (near 2nd purling up from the front corner) and the other one was close to the front left hand corner. Again these two sites are long established but are new for this years records.

This concluded our observations and we agreed to meet up again next Thursday 2nd June at 2000hrs at the Burton Memorial Hall.

Thursday 26th May 2016 - High above Clawthorpe Hall, Burton 1300hrs approx

Two Swifts hawking the skies above Clawthorpe Hall today. 


Friday, 20 May 2016

Burton Swift Watch - Thursday 19th May 2016 week

Royal Hotel Cottage Annexe - Front Elevation (Click over to enlarge)

"POOR SWIFT UPDATE" Wednesday 25th May 2016 - Care of Kendal College Wildlife Dept

1000hrs  David has just let me know that the College have decided they are keeping the bird to at least Friday am, because the birds current weight is showing at 36 grms and that it should be between 43-45 grms and they think it would be to the birds benefit to gain some extra weight before release, and they say a couple more days of feeding should help it. It is currently taking in "Waxworms" and water with no problem. (next update Friday)

Wednesday 25th May 2016 - Skies above A6070 (main road) at the bend near Clawthorpe Hall

0900hrs  At least one Swift hawking the skies directly above the Clawthorpe Hall area

"POOR SWIFT UPDATE" Tuesday 24th May 2016 - Care of Kendal College Wildlife Dept

1600hrs  David has received word from the College stating the bird is progressing well and is eating "waxworms" without problem, although its weight is on 36grms where it should be 44 grms, so they are keeping it there again for another night before hopefully handing over tomorrow morning. 

1200hrs  David rang the College this morning and they said the bird had eaten 4 mealworms and taking in water OK.  They said they had one further test to check in regard to a flight test and that the vet would be doing the rounds early afternoon.  Then all being well the bird should be released for us to hopefully set free close to the area of finding. Can't Wait!

Monday 23rd May 2016 - Area across from Manor House and just behind Kings

- Counted and confirmed a minimum of 20 Swifts in the air together and there could well have been many more.

"POOR SWIFT" Monday 23rd May 2016 - Care of David Craig and Kendal College Wildlife Dept.

Swift has been checked out thoroughly and thankfully showing no bone fractures or any other problems, so the College Wildlife Department are keeping it overnight before hopefully handing it back for us to release back in Burton.  More update tomorrow.

1200hrs Swift has been taken by David across to Kendal College (Wildlife Dept) where they are keeping it until a vet checks it over this afternoon and hopefully will give it a skeleton x-ray.  If all is OK it will be handed back later this afternoon for release back in Burton.  If there are more severe problems eg: with its skeleton of which there are fractures, they have already advised it will be better to put the bird to sleep.  So for now we are all sat with fingers crossed and praying that it will be OK. Will report back later.

1000hrs Swift still doing well and gladly taking in small amounts of water this morning.  Hopefully we intend to try and release back into the wild at sometime today. Will report back later

New nest sites "Sunday 22nd May 2016 - Royal Hotel Cottage - Front Elevation.

Well we do have some really good news to report and that is we think the rest of the missing Swifts have finally returned either yesterday or this morning, the sky was absolutely buzzing with Swifts probably in the late teens in numbers (but no proper count made).

After leaving David's I spent a little time across from the Royal Cottage and was able to confirm that the nest sites (marked in the above photo with red arrows) where active with birds seen entering and leaving the three marked sites.  Also at one time others were seen "bumping" and holding on just at other points along the guttering.

"POOR SWIFT" Sunday 22nd May 2016 - Care of David Craig

1000hrs - To everyone's surprise the poorly Swift had shown improvement overnight, for one it did not look wet and bedraggled, but beautiful dry feathered and gripping and moving about better with ever blinking eye which is far better than it was yesterday.  David has constantly been in attention at regular intervals.  This morning he decided to take it to the vet in Kendal who checked it over and could not find any problems of injury but gave David some paste which he said would help it and would have far more protein than insects if it could be administered.  David has managed to feed it a little which it has accepted and is hoping to give it little water by shringe later.  Hopefully if it progresses over the next 24 hours we do intend to try and release it back to the area where it was found. 

"POOR SWIFT" Saturday 21st May 2016 - Just behind the Royal Annexe and Close to the nesting site.

1200hrs - Whilst showing my wife the nesting sites on the rear of the Royal, with much sadness I found a Swift on the floor with spread out wings.  At first it looked as though it was already very wet and dead but I soon realised it was not dead but injured. I did try to release from a higher elevation but without success the bird sort of glided back to the ground.  Remembering last year and David's fine dedication! I took the bird across the road to David Craigs where now the bird will be regular checked and left with peace and quiet and away from prowling cats etc within the safe confines of his garden summer house.  The bird was identified that in all probability to be a adult and perhaps one of the birds nesting in the rear of the Royal Hotel.

A Sketch giving a summary of the 19th May Observations (Please click over the sketch to enlarge)

Thursday 19th May 2016 - Main Street, Burton In Kendal  2000hrs to 2100hrs

It was a great pleasure to be having our very first Swift watch of the year and so pleasing to see how well it was attended.

We are this year covering new ground in so much that we are starting the observations a couple of weeks earlier than in past years.  So we are not sure just what to expect.

We checked out all the regular sites calling off briefly at each.  We struggled counting the very fragmented Swifts giving off their usual aerial displays and although some screaming was heard, there was very little of it. However we did manage to tally up seven birds in total.

Our first true confirmed nesting came from the rear annexe on the Royal Hotel Cottage where again they were using one of the long established sites.  We first witnessed a bird leaving the hole and then shortly after we saw a bird return to the site and about five minutes later was fortunate to see a second bird attend the same nest site.

Moving on our next confirmed encounter was on the front of the Manor House where we where lucky enough to see a bird entering again a long established nest site.

This concluded our observations for the evening and we have planned to meet up again next Thursday at 2000hrs when all persons interested in watching the Swifts will be very welcome.


Sunday, 15 May 2016

Our first Swift watch of the year this coming Thursday.

We are meeting up this coming Thursday May 19th 2016 at 2000hrs at the Burton Memorial Hall and proceeding down Main Street to check out the Swifts.

All would be most welcome.

If you want further information please email: or if you prefer you can telephone at: 01524 782792

Tuesday, 12 April 2016



2000hrs - Thursday 5th May 2016 - Swift numbers now increased to Fourteen birds and probably more flying over Central Burton areas. 

2000hrs - Wednesday 4th May 2016 - Swift numbers now increased to nine birds and flying over Central Burton areas 

1500hrs - Wednesday 4th May 2016 - Swift numbers now increased to four birds and flying over village in large circles....

1845hrs - Tuesday 3rd May 2016 A single bird flying above Royal, Kings area.  Can probably expect more from tomorrow, will keep you posted.

Update: 12th April 2016

The Swifts are on their way! Not sure just where they will be now but suspect they are midway through their journey and feeding up in West Africa.  A Swift was actually recorded a couple of weeks ago entering the Country from somewhere down in the South, but this is exceptionally early.  We do expect our beautiful birds to arrive back in Burton sometime within the first two weeks of May (Usually they can be as early as the 4th to 6th of that Month).

More good news to report:  We are led to believe that the work on the Royal Hotel will not be carried out before October and at least for now the birds nesting areas are safe for this year.

And it gets better!  the building contractor has already agreed to try and work with us to hopefully accommodate the Swifts within the proposed building renovations.

We have been given permission to cut back the Ivy on the rear annexe which is starting to cover three of the original nest sites.  So we are planning to do this work on Thursday of this week (14th April 2016)

Also its great to learn that the owner of the house in Cocking Yard where the Swifts have nested in the past has managed to carry out his house pointing renewals, and left two holes for access to the areas of their established nesting sites.

This Blog will start reporting on a regular basis from early May please bookmark us....... thank you

Saturday, 22 August 2015


This sketch summarizes the situation for the 2015 Swift Watches

First Swift Arrival date

4th May 2015 when four birds arrived and built in numbers over the coming week.

Total Number of Swift Nest Sites recorded

20 in total this year (18 off Main Street and probably 2 at Clawthorpe). Over three years recording we have recorded no less than 25 different nest sites having been used within Burton.

Number of new sites recorded in 2015


Largest amount of birds recorded at watches

28 on the 16th July 2015

Breeding Estimates: 

From the amount of nest sites (20) and presuming all nest sites had 2 chicks and then allowing for problems we think Burton will have produced a minimum of at least 30 young birds this year. (approx estimation)

Fatalities (known)

1  young bird died later, after hitting either wires or walls near to David Craig's house

Swift Vacation lead up dates

The bulk of birds departed on the 29th or 30th July 2015, then a further 12 birds (approx) left on Saturday 8th August 2015 and the final sighting was of a single bird at 1115hrs flying over Neddy Hill on the 16th August 2015.

Last nest vacated

It is thought the last nest sites to vacate were the one on the Gable Cottage on the Post Office Row, and also one of the nest within Cocking Yard.

Observers during 2015 included:

Reg Hesketh, Jane Phillips, David Craig, Bryan Yorke, Paula and David McConnell, Tanya and Edmund Hoare (Sedbergh Swifts), Karen Lloyd (Kendal Swifts), Mary and Paul Bullimore.

Below is a sketch of Recorded Nest Sites

The 2015 new sites are marked in yellow

(Click over sketch to enlarge)


Friday, 7 August 2015

7th August - Swift Notes and followed up to 20th August 2015

Here is a summary of Burton Swift Activity for 2015 (still birds present in village as at 7th Aug 2015)
Click over sketch to enlarge

Thursday 20th August 2015 - Swift observations along Main St, Burton In Kendal

Odd times in the morning reported No Swifts present.

Tuesday 18th & Wednesday 19th August 2015 - Swift observations along Main St, Burton In Kendal

0900hrs approx on both days - No Swifts to report - still plenty of Swallows and Martins

Monday 17th August 2015 - Swift observations along Main St, Burton In Kendal.

0830hrs - No Swifts showing and no other hirundines either - feeding up elsewhere

Sunday 16th August 2015 - Swift observations along Main St, Burton In Kendal.

1115hrs One hawking above Neddy Hill area

Saturday 15th August 2015 - Swift observations along Main St, Burton In Kendal

2000hrs No Swifts showing
0815hrs No Swifts showing

Friday 14th August 2015 - Swift observations along Main St, Burton In Kendal

2005hrs One Swift seen above the post office heading West
1700hrs No Swifts showing

Thursday 13th August 2015 - Swift Observations

1100hrs One Swift heading East over the Clawthorpe side of Hutton Roof. Dont know whether local or transient bird.

Wednesday 12th August 2015 - Swift observations along Main St, Burton In Kendal

2100hrs - Two Swifts hawking the skies above Neddy Hill to rear of Post Office block.

Tuesday 11th August 2015 - Swift observations along Main St.  Burton In Kendal

2100hrs - No Swifts reported
1400hrs - 1 Swift over Neddy Hill

Monday 10th August 2015 - Swift observations along Main St, Burton In Kendal

2050hrs - 2 Swifts very high back of Gable Cottage at side of Post Office.
0845hrs - No Swift observed and only a few hirundines

Sunday 9th August - Swift observations along Main St, Burton In Kendal.

1900hrs - Still no Swifts showing in fact only 3 or 4 hirundines showing below Neddy Hill.
0900hrs - Quick parade along Main Street produced only one House Martin, no Swallows and no Swifts. Earlier rain and now dull cloudy and overcast, so all the Swifts and hirundines have probably found a good feeding area away from Burton.  Will check again later.

Friday 7th August - Swift Observations along Main St. Burton In Kendal

1045hrs One left nest site on gable building on Post Office Row
1000hrs At least 11 Swifts seen at mid height to the North of Cocking Yard. Also birds are still in a nest in Cocking Yard and also in a nest on the gable building on Post Office Row.

Thursday 6th August 2015 - Swift watching along Main St, Burton In Kendal 2000hrs to 2100hrs.

We kept our eyes pinned to the skies and eventually manage to confirm six Swifts in the skies over Neddy Hill.

Tonight checking out the Swifts was Reg Hesketh and myself Bryan Yorke.

The few birds we had tonight seemed to show a bias to the skies above the Manor House and probably the same birds to the Neddy Hill and Royal area.  Whether this had any significance to breeding site locations or not we were not sure.

Its looking very much like this could well be our last organised watch, although postings will still be put on here whilst the Swifts are still with us. Please keep checking our Blog over the coming days.

Friday, 31 July 2015

July 31st 2015 Swift Notes

Swift Observations 30th July 2015 - Main Street, Burton In Kendal (Click over sketch to enlarge)

Thursday 6th August 2015 - Above Main Street, Burton In Kendal

2000hrs to 2100hrs 6 birds seen above Neddy Hill area.
1700hrs No birds seen

Wednesday 5th August 2015 - Above Main Street, Burton In Kendal

2030hrs  At least 15 plus between Neddy Hill and over Royal, some chasing one another in follow my leader fashion. Could have been more birds - seemed local - light drizzly rain - ideal feeding conditions.
1215hrs  One Swift seen Neddy Hill then making its way down over Manor Hse and out of sight.

Tuesday 4th August 2015 - Above Main Street, Burton In Kendal

1230hrs at least 8 birds hawking over the River Kent at Kendal.
1800hrs One Swift seen hawking above Neddy Hill and area towards Kings

Monday 3rd August 2015 - Above Main Street, Burton in Kendal

2100hrs - 15 Swifts above Memorial Hall, Royal areas, looked local with behaviour, though difficult to tell whether some of these are movers joining in. Will be interesting to see if there are more showing tomorrow.
1400hrs - One Swift to South over Burton Square (local bird)

Sunday 2nd August 2015 - Above Main Street, Burton in Kendal

2100hrs - Four Swifts high above Neddy Hill
1600hrs - One Swift hawking above Royal Hotel
1000hrs - Three Swifts (could well have been more) hawking the skies at intermediate height between Royal and Manor.

Saturday 1st August 2015 - Above Main Street, Burton in Kendal

1715hrs - Two Swifts seen high over back of Royal area
1200hrs - Two Swifts seen high over Post Office area

Also recorded from Painswick Beacon in Gloucester 1478 Swifts heading South over 6 1/2 hours AM.

Friday 31st July 2015 - Above Main Street, Burton in Kendal

1715hrs - Two Swifts seen between Royal and Manor.  Also one seen to leave nest at Gable Cottage on same row as Post Office.

1400hrs - Three Swifts seen hawking the skies

Also 1345hrs Could not see any Swifts over Carnforth

Thursday 30th July 2015 - Swift Observations down Main Street, Burton In Kendal 2000hrs to 2045hrs.

Right from the start very little was seen in the skies with just a pair flying above the Memorial Hall but as we checked out further sites the Swift numbers gradually built to a maximum of seven birds.

Tonight I was joined by David Craig, and we checked out most of the regular nest sites, but there did not seem to be any low down activity noticed, all the birds we saw where catching insects well up in the sky.

Just to save the day on our way back home, noticed a single bird leaving its nest on the Gable cottage on the Post Office row.  Ironically this site was also one of the last sites occupied last year as well.

There seemed a sort of "quiet" as though it was saying that most of the birds may have already departed back to Africa.  After all it usually is between now and anytime up to the 10th August that they will depart. Just checking our notes and the majority left last year on or about the same time the 30th and 31st July.

I think next week may well be our last "observation" night, we'll see what this week brings. I am hoping to do a brief daily check and will report any findings above.

Friday, 24 July 2015

July 23rd 2015 - Swift Notes

Swift sketch and Notes from yesterday evening (23rd July 2015) (Click over sketch to enlarge)

Saturday 25th July 2015 - Swift Observation - Main Street, Burton In Kendal. 1000hrs

A minimum of 20 Swifts in the sky from points West of Burton Memorial Hall.

Thursday 23rd July 2015 - Swift observations - Off Main Street, Burton In Kendal 2000hrs to 2100hrs.

It was clear and reasonably warm, the birds of which 8 was the maximum count and would be at a average altitude between 75 and 150ft. We just caught them twice doing the follow my leader screaming flight.  As usual we took it that the birds flew bias to their breeding areas and could be seen high in the sky.

Tonight there were two observers David Craig and Bryan Yorke.

We started at the Cottage near the Post Office and were lucky to actually see one fly into the nest, we did hang fire for a few minutes but never saw it leave.  Then on to Cocking Yard with no activity witnessed.  We moved further on to the Royal, observing all elevations.  But tonight the only activity here was on the Cottage front low elevation where we were fortunate to witness two birds coming back into their nest site.  One bird left again within minutes of landing.

We gave equal amounts of time to checking the large building behind the old bakery (from the back of the King's yard) and we then went on to observe the Coach House and the Manor House, with no further sightings of birds whilst observing.

Just to add I had a party of 8 birds on Monday last the 20th flying low in "follow my leader fashion" going at low levels in and out between the buildings at Clawthorpe Hall.

Friday, 17 July 2015

July 16th 2015 - Swift Notes

This is a sketch showing the Swift activity on Thursday 16th July 2015 during observations made by the group.
Click over sketch to enlarge

Tuesday 21st July 2015 - Swifts leaving the UK and heading South

150 South over Bury Area (Manchester) (2hrs pm)
220 South West over Painswick Beacon, Gloucester (4hrs am and pm)

Monday 20th July 2015 - Swifts sightings in and around this area

0745hrs A party of 13 moving East over Sandylands School, Heysham.
0815hrs and teatime saw over one dozen over near Morecambe Golf Club (could be locals)
0945hrs 3 Swifts low over Clawthorpe Hall.

1115hrs 8 Swifts screaming in follow my leader fashion, flying low and over and in and out of the buildings at Clawthorpe Hall.
1500hrs One Swift seen to into nest on cottages near to Post Office. It is a already recorded nest site.

Sunday 19th July 2015 - Just small amounts of Swifts leaving today

401 South over Barmston/Fraithsthorpe, East Yorks (Over 4hrs am)

Saturday 18th July 2015 - Swifts moving South especially in Yorkshire (Vismig watches)

2872 Moving South at Long Nab, Burniston, North Yorks (over 7hrs mainly am)
2298 Moving South over Barmston/Fraisthorpe, East Yorks (over 5hrs am)
874 Moving South over Hunmanby Gap, North Yorks (over 4hrs am)

Thursday 16th July 2015 - Off Main Street, Burton In Kendal, Cumbria.  2000hrs to 2115hrs

We met as usual at the Memorial Hall.  In attendance was Reg, David, Mary and Paul, and myself. We checked out the regular sites.  We started by counting the birds in the sky which at that time was just nine, but later in the watch we counted a total of 28 birds.  Most birds tonight were flying low. It was very windy.

The first nesting activity was on the front low elevation of the Royal and we witnessed two separate birds going into two sites. No sooner had they passed food then off again, probably the changeover of food was only two seconds.

We moved further down to the Coach House and the Manor House, we saw one bird leaving the front elevation site on the Coach House, also we were lucky enough to see a bird using one of the sites on the gable end of the Manor House.

Without doubt we saw the most activity in the skies since the beginning of the weekly watches.

David mentioned that he had again been witnessing birds coming into his yard, which seemed as though they were prospecting sites for next year on the rear of Reeder House.

Friday, 10 July 2015

July 9th 2015 - Swift Notes

This sketch is from yesterday evenings Swift activity with the red spots indicating observations of birds entering or leaving the nest sites. Please click over to enlarge

Thursday 16th July 2015 - 0845hrs

A single Swift hawking low just above Clawthorpe Hall.

Monday 13th July 2015 0845hrs

(Local) 6 Swifts hawking the skies 75ft above Clawthorpe Hall, this morning

 also vismig = 514 South over Long Nab, Burniston, North Yorks (7-12am)

More Swifts on the go South on Sunday (12th)

91 South West over Berry Hill, Stoke On Trent in 1 hour 20mins
31 South over Bury, Lancashire in 1 hour (pm)
56 South over Whitburn Co. Durham in 5 hours
1779 South over Barmston/Fraisthorpe, East Yorks in 5 hours (am)
217 South over Long Nab, Burniston, East Yorks in 4 hours (am)
753 South over Spurn, East Yorks. (12hrs 5am to 5pm)

Vismig report from Saturday last (11th July 2015)

"Swifts moving west all day yesterday over my area of West Yorkshire with some noted Friday evening as well but was working during the day. Thursday high over the lakeland fell tops,  Swifts into the wind all afternoon. Didn't notice them lower down in the morning. No doubt a combination of a weather move and perhaps younger birds using it to clear out".Dave Barker Oxenhope and whilst walking in the Lakes

Last couple of days: More Swifts heading South

On Saturday 11th: 267 South 0630-1015hrs Long Nab, Burneston, North Yorks.
On Friday 10th:  465 SW 1730-1930hrs Painswick Beacon, Glos
108 SW 1715-1815hrs Whit Hill, Tadcaster North Yorks.

Saturday 11th July 2015 - 1000hrs

3 Swifts flying low and hawking insects above Clawthorpe Hall Area.  Its looking more likely now that perhaps there will be a breeding pair or two somewhere around this area.

Last couple of days: Mass exodus!

Large numbers of Swifts being reported on Thursday going over Leith Hill Dorking, Surrey 5am to 1230hrs 800 birds going out West.  Same day at Painswith Beacon 1800hrs to 2100hrs 1530 birds going out SW. Also this week large amounts of Swifts going either South or South West through Bury, Greater Manchester, Chapel Hill, Yorkshire and Darwen East Lancashire.

Friday 10th July 2015 - 1600hrs

Swift activity again this afternoon over Clawthorpe Hall with screeching birds overhead

Thursday 9th July 2015 - 2000hrs to 2115hrs "Observing Swift Activity along all sites off Main Street, Burton In Kendal.

As usual we met up at the Burton Memorial Hall and tonight's observers were: Reg, Jane, David and myself.  We must have timed it lucky for once because at long last a bird was seen to enter the gable end Cottage site, which is on the same block as the Post Office. Although this site has been used since 2013, we have not seen any birds this year up until tonight.

Tonight the general picture was very quiet with just a maximum of six birds being seen overhead in the skies at various times. And just occasionally a odd bird seem to come from nowhere with no sound and enter one of the outlined nest sites.

Moving on we spent some time at the front of the Royal and we where fortunate to see two further birds at intervals enter into two of the eave level sites on the front low elevation roof.  Also of note was that Reg actually observed a bird entering a old established site (but for the first time this year) to the right hand corner of the front low elevation.

From the Kings rear yard area we made observations from a distance of The Old Bakery large building which looked a ideal candidate for the Swifts.  We did see plenty of activity earlier above the building in a general fashion, yet we never managed to confirm any nest sites although we all agreed it was definately worth ten minutes checking out on a regular basis just to see if they where using it.

Not the warmest of nights with little insect activity, no swift screaming observed tonight. Little seen on low levels unless the birds where approaching or leaving nest sites other than that most birds were at a 75 to 100ft altitude on average.

Here below is a update of the total Burton Sites as it stands to date (2013 to 2015)

Total Swift sites in Burton In Kendal (2013-2015) as of 10th July 2015
(Please click over to enlarge)