Friday 24 May 2019

Burton Swifts - Thursday 23rd May 2019

It's really good news!

Four of us met at the Memorial Hall and we counted at least 12 Swifts in the skies above the Memorial Hall and which later seemed to centre their activities over the Royal area.  Much chasing and screaming were taking place. Because of the recent demolition and construction work being carried out to the rear of the Royal Hotel we wanted to try and ascertain whether the birds were still using their established breeding nest sites, so we spent a good 90% of the watch at this one site.

It proved to be a good decision, though at first we had our doubts because it seemed so quiet, although plenty of overhead activity, yet after some 30 minutes watching we saw one bird enter the large slit opening, a little later this was followed by one going into the very small hole upper and to the left of the large slit.  Also we managed to confirm that one went into the regular site on the return elevation, although at first we had doubts whether this one would be used because it was obvious a Starling was nesting in the proximity.

So for now we can establish that at least 3 of the 4 established sites are occupied, and no reason to suggest why the 4th site is not being used as well, although obviously we do need to get a confirmation of this over the coming weeks.  Also earlier I was able to establish that the Hangings Farm site in Cocking Yard has been taken up again, and also on the front of the Royal Cottage, the small hole part way down the left hand side elevation is being used along with at least one of the high level eave sites again to the left hand side of the building.

Hopefully next week we maybe able to concentrate on both the Manor House and The Coach House.

Tonights observers included: Hugh and Sue Miles, Reg Hesketh and Bryan Yorke

The next Swift watch will be next Friday (please note change of night just for this week to FRIDAY 31st May 2019 - Meeting at the Memorial Hall at 2000hrs - Everyone Welcome